Gay men underwear blog

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Union suits originated as women's wear during the 19th-century as an alternative to constricting garments and quickly gained popularity among men. This may have been an attempt to protect the delicate sensibilities of women who purchased the underwear for their sons and husbands (though presumably if they had sons or husbands they’d already have a pretty good idea of male genitals). Six men and boys stand at attention, lined up by height or “trunk measurements.” Lest you focus on the crotch, the photographer has, for lack of a more accurate term, air-brushed any hint of genitals.īut the resulting dark and mysterious pubic patches have the opposite effect, drawing attention to the crotch while simultaneously emasculating the guys. Patented Apand made by Avalon Knitwear Company, Utica, New York. This rare 'Setsnug' Underwear for Men antique cardboard box originally contained r ibbed Union Suits, with closed crotch and (I can’t get no) “Satis-fac-shon” seat.

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